Anxiety, safety, discrimination and the cost of living are the biggest issues for young people.

Download the full 2024 Youth Voice Census report to read the in-depth analysis of 5,000 young voices and what they think about their life, education and work.

Download the key findings for a top-level overview of this annual analysis and gain insight into issues affecting young people across the UK.

Key Findings Full Report

The Youth Voice Census has always been a space for young people across the UK to share their experiences.

The Youth Voice Census is an annual temperature check on how young people in the UK feel about life, study, work and general prospects. Over 5,000 young people aged 11-30 took part in 2024. It is the largest survey of young people in the UK. This year’s Youth Voice Census findings indicate that young people are increasingly worried about their safety, and the impact of the cost of living crisis is continuing to take its toll when it comes to accessing support and opportunities.

A message from Youth Employment UK’s CEO, Laura-Jane Rawlings MBE DL

“Young people are feeling less positive about their future this year, with only 10% believing they can access quality work where they live. On top of this, they are being forced to compromise on safety, quality, cost or location to access education, training and employment opportunities. The sense of unfairness is being felt by all young people, whoever and wherever they are. Young people tell us that they don’t want to feel like this and actually would love nothing more than to have access to good opportunities; they just do not believe those opportunities exist for them.”

Laura-Jane Rawlings MBE

Key Findings

1. Anxiety continues to impact young people, it is one of the biggest barriers young people face.

43% of young people think anxiety will be one of their biggest barriers to finding work now or in the future.

44% of young people currently in work thought anxiety was a barrier when they were looking for work.

3 in 5 young people indicated feeling anxious in their daily life.

2. Confidence continues to decline for those in education.

Only 36% of young people in secondary school think they understand the skills employers are looking for.

A third of young people feel like their school supports them.

Young people in education feel less confident across all employability skills.

3. Opening up opportunities…

Access to sports clubs is down 6 ppts.

Access to learning a musical instrument is down 7 ppts.

Access to enrichment and extracurricular activities is down 9 ppts.

4. Overall, work is a positive place for young people.

83% think that their working environment is supportive.

70% of respondents are happy in their current job role.

70% of respondents would describe their employer as youth friendly.

Watch the public launch webinar.

Youth Employment Insights

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Notes For Editors

Youth Employment UK is an independent, not-for-profit social enterprise founded in 2012 to tackle youth unemployment. As experts on youth employment and unemployment, we are ideally placed to understand the complex landscape facing young people, educators, employers and policymakers.

With Thanks to our Sponsors

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