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The 2024 Youth Voice Census is Now Closed

Over 5,000 People Took Part in The 2024 Census

We extend a huge thank you to everyone who shared their opinions in the annual Youth Voice Census. The findings will be published in September 2024.

Report Findings: Public Webinar

During this webinar we will present the key findings of 2024's Census report, outlining what this means for us as a society and the next steps we would like to see to help improve the futures of young people.

Register My Place

The Youth Voice Census is an annual temperature check on how young people in the UK feel about life, study, work and general prospects. It is the largest survey of young people in the UK.

The 2024 Youth Voice Census was spearheaded by Youth Employment UK with support from Edge Foundation, GMCA, NCS, West Midlands Combined Authority, and Youth Futures Foundation.

Download Previous Youth Voice Census Reports

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Become a Member of Youth Employment UK


As the voice of youth employment, our overall mission is to improve the employment landscape for young people. We champion young people's needs and connect them with employers and communities and organisations who can help.

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Notes For Editors

  • Youth Employment UK is an independent, not for profit social enterprise founded in 2012 to tackle youth unemployment. As experts on youth employment and unemployment, we are ideally placed to understand the complex landscape facing young people, educators, employers and policy makers.
  • Press enquiries should be directed to

With thanks to our sponsors

Youth Voice Census Sponsors