Youth Obligation is here

SFA March Update

You may be aware that for the last 12 months+ the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) have been reviewing and then designing a new welfare offer for young people. The new offer is called the Youth Obligation and was due to go live in April. It was unclear as to whether the roll-out of Youth Obligaiton would be impacted by the General Election Announcement but Youth Employment UK received official confirmation today that the Youth Obligation is being rolled out:

“As planned from 26 April 2017 DWP are introducing the new Youth Obligation for 18-21 year olds who make a new claim to Universal Credit full service and are in the All Work Related Requirements Conditionality group. They will receive intensive work focused support from day one of their claim. If they are still unemployed and claiming Universal Credit after 6 months they will be referred to work-related training or guaranteed work experience. This will give them the skills and experience they need to gain an Apprenticeship place or other job and progress their future career.

So today, in London, Local Authority areas of Hammersmith and Fulham,  Lambeth and Southwark will run programme. As UCFS rolls out so the programme rolls out too. Expectation is around 30 Jobcentres a month to transition from July 2017.”

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