WEBINAR: Establishing the Youth Jobs Gap with Impetus

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We were delighted to welcome Sam Windett Director of Policy from Impetus to present at the APPG for Youth Employment on Monday 15th July.

Impetus have recently published a report on the Youth Jobs Gap, using data from a range of government sources to research into the outcomes of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds against the better off peers.

Sam has recently delivered a webinar on this data which can be found below.  You can also download a copy of the slide deck here – Youth Jobs Gap – The Employment Gap – APPG slides.

Key Findings

  • Disadvantaged young people are twice as likely to not be in education, employment or training (NEET).
  • Young people who are ‘doubly disadvantaged’ – meaning those from disadvantaged backgrounds and who have low qualifications – are being left behind.
  • Even when young people from disadvantaged backgrounds have the equivalent qualifications to their better-off peers, they’re still 50% more likely to be out of education and employment in early adulthood.
  • As Impetus look into this data at a granular level within regions, the evidence shows that there can be significant areas of progress and challenge within the same local authority

This new data tells us that there is still so much to do to close the gap between disadvantaged young people and their more well off peers, and that education is not just the answer. Sam will be leading a set of round-table meetings in the Autumn to explore how education, the transition period and the wider issues of youth unemployment play a factor in the youth employment gaps.

Youth Employment UK research with Newcastle University into the role of the family and social mobility identifies some of the family assets that are transferred within the family and the impact this has on the transition and attainment of young people.

For more information on Impetus and their work please visit https://impetus.org.uk/.

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