Our Policy and Research Work
Since its creation in 2012, Youth Employment UK has aimed to influence and support the political agenda to ensure that youth employment remains a government priority and that the views of young people and our Youth Friendly Employer Community are being heard.
Our policy and research work has, along with unique insight from our youth and partner network, positioned us as the leading youth employment experts. We understand “what works” across this broad and complex landscape.
We have worked hard to develop strong relationships – including formal partnerships – across the Cabinet Office and the Departments for Education, Work and Pensions, Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. As a result of our close working relationships with civil servants, Ministers and MPs across all parties, we have been able to represent our membership at a range of round-tables, conferences, parliamentary events and within specific projects.
Key Research
Youth Employment UK has led and supported key research and reports including The Role of the Family in Social Mobility, The Employability Skills Review and our flagship Annual Youth Voice Census Report. As the Secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Youth Employment, Youth Employment UK has been instrumental in producing key research from inquiries and presenting these reports to Ministers.
Download all Youth Voice Census Reports
How many young people have never been spoken to about an apprenticeship? How many young people think schools should teach employability skills? Download findings from previous years to see how the Youth Voice Census serves as a temperature check for young people’s views on their support systems, employability and next steps.
Policy & Research News
APPG for Youth Employment
If your organisation would like to become involved or find out about meeting dates, please click here.
Our Reports & Research
LMI Employment Statistics
Young people are three times more likely to be unemployed than any other group. Youth unemployment figures have come down since their peak in 2011, but Youth Employment UK is committed to reviewing the ONS data and ensuring that youth unemployment remains a key government priority until it reaches zero levels.
Laura-Jane Rawlings of Youth Employment UK says:
“Youth unemployment and under-employment is still a major issue in the UK. Youth Employment UK works with a range of members and stakeholders to better understand the barriers to employment and to find ways to overcome these barriers.
Our work extends to research and policy. We have built and continue to build a strong evidence case of what works in youth employment, what the very real challenges are and what young people are telling us. The Youth Voice Census is our annual flagship research piece that captures the views and experiences of thousands of young people across the UK.
We have established significant and effective relationships with the government at all levels, influencing and supporting policy developments and colleagues to better understand the real needs of young people. The work of Youth Employment UK has positively influenced the government’s approach to include more young people through its consultations and we are very proud of the part we have played in that and continue to play.”
For more information, please email info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.
Employer Resources
Become a Member of Youth Employment UK and be part of a changemaking community. This is a strategic step for organisations who support and employ young people, and who want recognition for their commitment to creating quality opportunities.
About Us
As experts on youth employment and co-founders of the Youth Employment Group, we are ideally placed to understand the complex landscape facing young people, employers and policy makers.