Your Dream Factory- from Dreaming to up and Running!

Youth Ambassador Shwetel

Your Dream Factory- from Dreaming to up and Running! By Youth Ambassador Shwetel,

Start-up, Entrepreneur, and Enterprise are words that are tossed around today in almost every business story and if you have the get up and go to start your new enterprise it is easier than ever before!

Why this sudden rise in starting-up?

With the down-turn in the economy and high levels of unemployment, starting a business becomes a popular option for individuals and the government.  Our education system is also jumping onto enterprise with many universities offering electives, core modules or fully dedicated courses in enterprise.

All around us there are subliminal suggestions that to the trained ear of an entrepreneur could be developed into a business, such as the claim that women wear higher heels when there’s recession and ditch them for pumps when the economy is stable ( IBM ) queue more companies coming into the  market with killer heel products.

It has become a great time for those with the intonation and willing, to go into to a Start-up better prepared. For those who are curious in getting first-hand experience it is now also easier to get support from a range of start-up experts. It once took around 20 years within a corporation to work up the managerial ladder now you can start at the top if you start your own business.

Getting Financial and Business Support

  • Venture capitalists and enterprise organisations provide financial leverage for start-ups,
  • There are also crowd funding platforms such as Kick-starter or Indiegogo helping young people raise funds for their idea.
  • Check out government initiatives such as Enterprise Maintenance allowance through the local Jobcentre Plus (JCP) and other assistance and funding.
  • Plus organisations such as Go Global or 3Day Start-up (for  university students) which is organised through a 3 day event at  university and is based from campus this gives the chance to raise funds and float a company from that event.

Here are a few real life case studies of young entrepreneurs using different resources and starting up. What are you waiting for? Go make that dream come true!


YEUK Says: If you are 16-24 register for the YEUK Club and you can access a whole section on starting up your own business!

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