This 15-question online visual quiz can help you prepare for any logical reasoning tests you might do on a group assessment day interview. Give it a try!
Problem solving is a Young Professional skill that’s all about staying calm and thinking things through when challenges crop up in life and work. Logical reasoning sounds hard, but you do it every day – and it’s one of the most useful skills you will ever learn. When you feel lost and can’t see the forest for the trees, logical reasoning will guide you!
Why practice logical reasoning tests?
Logical reasoning tests are sometimes handed out to candidates on group assessment days and interviews. It’s really good to practice doing them before you ever have to do one in an interview. It helps you learn from your mistakes, so you can get better at thinking in a way that will bring you success in these tests. With the Assessment Day Test website, you can also practice experiencing time limits and get a feel for the test layout. This practice will get you familiar with logical reasoning tests so they won’t seem new and scary when you’re asked to do one in interviews.
Give yourself the edge over other less experienced candidates and have a go at one now!
Logical Reasoning Test – Easy Level
This logical reasoning test has 15 questions, with 70 seconds to answer each question. Your challenge this week is to play this quiz and see how you do.
For each question, you’ll have to use logic to fill in the missing symbol on a grid.
Now take the test and see how you do!