YEUK Ambassadors out and about

This month YEUK Ambassadors Alexa-Jane, Blessing and Tom visited Levity for an afternoon with ITV2

Here’s why!Photos of ambassadors

YEUK has a passion for issues affecting young people, raising the profile of these issues and creating a platform to discuss them. When we got the opportunity, from the lovely people at Livity, to attend a workshop to give our opinions on ITV2, we jumped at the chance! As an organisation, we thought that it was really progressive that a company was actually asking young people their opinions on the programs available and what they would like to see on a TV channel.

Livity organised interactive activities to find out our opinions on brands, what we would want to see from a TV channel, and how young people actually watch TV.

All the young people had differing opinions, but some unique findings came from the discussions that came as a bit of a surprise to ITV2!

  • Young people like to have a variety of programs
  • Young people are educated and do enjoy programs with substance
  • Young people like to interact with programs through social media
  • Young people use different mediums to watch programmes, depending on what they are


Hopefully, these opinions/findings are taken onboard and we are excited to see the end product!

This unique experience is one of the many perks of being a YEUK Ambassador. New ways to meet people, discuss issues, and bringing about changes in fun ways! If you would like to find out more about becoming an ambassador visit:

To find out more about Livity please visit and check out ITV2 via

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