What does being a youth friendly employer really mean? Find out here.

youth friendly employer

MPs are invited to sign up to Youth Employment UK’s #YouthFriendlyMP Youth Friendly MP charter at our event in Parliament on the 17th June 2019.

MPs: Sign the #YouthFriendlyMP Charter by 17th June in two ways


  • Attend our Parliament event on 17th June. Contact Laura Gibbon at lgibbon@youthemployment.org.uk or on 07834 434630 for further information.
  • On attending the event you will receive a commemorative photo of your signing of the Charter, along with additional resources to support your commitment to youth employment in your constituency.


  • If you are unable to attend the Parliamentary event on 17th June, please print out and sign the downloadable Charter (PDF).
  • Next, take a photo of you signing the charter and tweet your photo using the hashtag #YouthFriendlyMP.

We have been championing youth friendly employment since 2012. As the leading expert in youth employment we’ve been making great strides in helping organisations, employers and policy makers to see the value that good youth employment practice brings to young people, the economy and the workforce as a whole.

Throughout June we are working on a #YouthFriendlyMP campaign, encouraging MPs to consider how they can support a “youth friendly” culture in their constituency.

MPs will be invited to sign up to our #YouthFriendlyMP Youth Friendly MP charter at our event in Parliament on the 17th June 2019.

The charter gives MPs practical steps they can take to ensure that:

  • young people are being listened to
  • opportunities are being created
  • young people are being recognised for their talents
  • young people are getting development opportunities
  • young people are being treated fairly in their work.

You can read more about our #YouthFriendlyMP campaign here.

What does being a Youth Friendly Employer really mean?

We are a membership organisation, providing employers with the tools they need to drive good youth employment practice through their business.

Joining Youth Employment UK gives you access to the very best guidance on youth employment from attraction and recruitment through to training, development and retention. Members access practical tips and resources that really support their organisation. In addition our Members can talk to our expert team at anytime with specific questions, problems and opportunities.

Over the years we have supported our Members to develop their whole youth employment strategy, run national recruitment campaigns, redevelop work experience programmes and supported staff to develop school engagement programmes. We are also there for the little questions too, being able to offer a vital HR support to small businesses who are supporting young people into employment.

You can recognise our members by the Youth Friendly Employer badge, this youth friendly employer homesliderbadge not only shows young people that they are an employer committed to supporting them but it shows the wider community too.

The Youth Friendly Employer Charter

Organisations who want to join our Membership must first commit to working to the principles of best youth employment practice. This takes form in the Youth Friendly Employer Charter, by committing to this Charter an organisation is committing to supporting young people in the best way possible. We work hard for our Members to provide ongoing support, expertise and insight so they can keep developing their good practice inline with the 5 principles.

Creating Opportunity – Commitment to providing diverse opportunities for young people to gain the skills and experiences they need for work and life.

Recognising Talent – Commitment to recruiting young people based on their ability, talent and potential. Understanding they are still developing and may have had limited experiences or education attainment

Fair Employment – Commitment to removing barriers for young people to enter the workplace. Offering fair opportunities and rewards based on the role you are recruiting for and in accordance with the highest industry standards.

Developing People – Commitment to training and supporting the development of young people, so they are motivated to take ownership and responsibility for their careers, and they are equipped to progress.

Youth Voice – Commitment to listening to young people and to providing opportunities for their voice to be heard within a community or organisation.

Sign the Charter and join the Youth Friendly Employer Community today: see our Youth Friendly Employer Application and Evidence Form.

Young people need to know that employers support them

More than 60,000 young people a month engage with our free skills and careers resources. Young people who tell us they lack confidence in their own skills, who are unsure what careers exist for them and who in the main do not think employers want them. Read our 2019 Youth Voice Census to find out more about the needs, barriers and challenges facing young people today.

We know that there are brilliant employers working hard to develop inclusive and high quality opportunities for young people, but the disconnect exists in the challenge that young people just cannot find or determine who these quality employers are.

This is a core reason for our existence and for the Youth Friendly Employer Mark, as not only do we help all employers to develop best practice standards and create more opportunities we help our young youth friendly employer homesliderpeople identify those opportunities with the Youth Friendly Employer Mark and then join up our network of employers with the thousands of young people using our site through the Careers Hub.

We believe that every community should be a “youth friendly community” working together to support all young people to fulfil their potential. That is why we work with the Cabinet Office Inclusive Economy Partnership, support the DCMS Youth Charter, work with partners such as Careers & Enterprise Company, National Citizen Service, NYA and many others, and now we are working hard to help MP’s lead the way in their constituencies.

The youth friendly campaign is coming.

How ready are you?

Talk to us today about joining the #YouthFriendlyEmployer Community.



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Email us at info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.

Early careers strategy support

Youth Employment UK Membership is a strategic step for organisations of all sizes who want support and recognition for their commitment to creating quality early career opportunities in line with Good Youth Employment Standards.

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As experts on youth employment and co-founders of the Youth Employment Group, we are ideally placed to understand the complex landscape facing young people, employers and policy makers.