
The WeyForward Workspace is a unique online network experience designed to give former students of Weymouth and Portland a platform to develop personal and aspirational community or business projects.  Young people will be able to develop their skills and experiences whilst working on their own live projects.  The workspace will link former students with business mentors, education establishments, current students and the support needed to run their projects successfully.

Ideas in progress on the Workspace include architectural design, events development, website creation, performances, festivals and public engagement exercises.  Projects are posted on to the main #WeyForward site (www.weyforward.net) for public discussion and rating. Both the work-in-progress and products of completed projects will be posted online, in the form of video footage, images, testimonial and documentation to act as a searchable CV for the young people of the borough.

This is a call for Youth Friendly organisations to join the Workspace, committing time in a flexible way to offer online advice and guidance to young people working on their personal projects. Meetings between current students, former students at university and business partners are planned to occur using online technology such as Google Hangouts using the Centre of Excellence for Industrial Liaison at Budmouth College, Weymouth as the venue.

To join and support the Workspace you will need to visit:
https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/105136762619095111407?cfem=1 with a Google Plus account.

For more details please contact Baron Miles – milesb@budmouth.dorset.sch.uk

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