Volunteer Youth Ambassador Saida: “It’s okay not to feel confident”

Volunteering with Youth Employment UK is great for your confidence, youth empowerment and your CV! Meet our Youth Ambassador Saida Said.

You can also read more Youth Ambassador stories, and volunteer as a Youth Ambassador if you live in the UK and you’re aged 16-24…

A bit about me

I’m Saida, 17, and currently still in school studying maths, economics and spanish A levels . I am very passionate about making sure young people’s voices are heard throughout the country and love getting involved in projects and opportunities to drive change.

What inspired me to join Youth Employment UK as a Youth Ambassador

I was rejected from a work experience opportunity in year 11 and, whilst being frustrated, typed on Google “why can’t young people get jobs”. After a quick scroll I came across the Youth Employment UK website and saw this wonderful opportunity to be a Youth Ambassador. For me it was a chance to try something new and also improve this situation for others like myself so I felt inclined to join and I have no regrets.

Exciting opportunities I have been involved with…

I have been able to interact with other amazing fellow Youth Ambassadors and the rest of the team. I recorded a video on youth education that was played at the FED Education Summit, which is something I’d have never had the opportunity to do before. I have contributed to the YE2030 mental health workshop, the building of the work experience training and much more. The most exciting thing was that recently I applied for the Youth Ambassador Board and got in!

Volunteering as a Youth Ambassador has helped me by…

It has helped me in so many ways. For example, I now feel more confident in speaking and in applying to positions that include people older than me. I’ve also learnt a lot about policy and many other different projects, commissions and what is happening in the youth employment sector. And I’ve gained so many opportunities.

Advice I would give to a young person was unsure about joining the Youth Ambassador team…

I would tell them that they wouldn’t lose anything by joining the youth ambassador team but would instead gain heaps of experience and chances to make a difference in the lives of others. I know how daunting it can be to apply to something like this as, when I joined, I was the youngest volunteer at YEUK. However the people in the youth ambassador team are very welcoming and appreciative so you will feel right at home!

Being a Youth Ambassador means…

I have an amazing opportunity to make a difference to young people, whilst still learning and making good memories with the team.

What the people in charge need to know about youth employment…

The people in charge need to take a step back and allow young people to really implement changes in society .

It can be very easy for an old politician to make decisions on behalf of young people by saying they “have enough experience”. However, decision making – or at least the initial decision making regarding youth employment – should be left to young people as they and themselves only can feel the repercussions of what those in charge do.

I would also encourage employers to try and hire more youth and look past their age preferences and have equal representation in the workplace.

Advice I would give to someone who was lacking confidence about their skills or future

I would let them know that it’s ok to not feel confident as long as you are actively trying to better your knowledge and human capital. It’s even ok to just take a break and a step back to improve your mental wellbeing if your worries are too overwhelming. It’s very easy nowadays to feel under qualified and overwhelmed with the increasing demand from employers for perfect candidates etc .

However it’s easy to complete things like short educational courses, volunteering hours for your CV, Young Professional training and even just asking people more often for help to make you more confident. Everyone needs assistance and doesn’t feel 100% confident in their future from time to time so normalising this by communicating with each other is key!

Aged 16-24? Volunteer with us as a Youth Ambassador

Want to join our amazing team of Youth Ambassadors?

Volunteer with Youth Employment UK and you’ll gain so much more than something great to put on your CV. (You’ll get that too.)

Find out more about volunteering with us

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