UKCES Employer Perspectives Survey 2014

The biennial Employer Perspectives Survey from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills provides insight into the thoughts and behaviour of 18,000 employers across the UK as they make decisions about how to engage with training providers, schools, colleges, universities and individuals in the wider skills system, to get the skills they need.

Key areas covered include: training; work experience; collaboration with schools, colleges and universities; Apprenticeships and the recruitment of young and old.

The UKCES booklet provides a summary of some of the key statistics from the 2014 survey.

Our CEO Laura-Jane Rawlings Said: “It is good to see that many employers have a real enthusiasm for supporting our young people.  I sense that we will see more of this in 2015.  We know that for young people a lack of work experience can be a barrier to employment, the opportunities to meet with and work with employers whilst still in education has a clear and positive impact on youth employment.  As part of our work we want to see a Youth Friendly UK where all employers support young people in some way.”


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