Does signing the Charter mean I can post FREE early career vacancies?

Yes. You can post vacancies on our site for FREE. When you sign the Charter, you can post early career […]

Does signing the Charter carry any requirements?

No. Signing the Charter does not carry any requirements. There are no strings attached. You do not have to provide […]

Willing to learn new things

Willing to learn new things Struggling with mental health can lead to feeling anxious about trying new things, but it […]

Playing to your strengths

Play to your strengths You have skills. You are good at the things you do well. And it can boost […]

Ready to learn from mistakes

Ready to learn from mistakes Learning from mistakes is a valuable skill. Everyone makes mistakes. We all make mistakes in […]

Ready to work with your energy levels

Ready to work with your energy levels To work well with your own personal energy levels, it helps to balance […]

Trying matters more than perfection

Trying matters more than perfection You don’t have to be perfect and do everything. It is less stressful and more […]

Aiming for your personal best

Aim for your personal best You don’t have to be the best. Aim to develop and grow so that you […]

Kickstart Guide for Employers

If you are an employer, Kickstart is a great way to help young people shine in youth-friendly opportunities at your […]

What happens after my Kickstart placement ends?

After your placement is finished you will be given support from the Local Authority, Job Centre Plus and National Careers […]

What qualifications and experience do I need to get a Kickstart Job?

There aren’t any entry requirements to get a job on the Kickstart Scheme. The majority of jobs on the Kickstart […]

How will I get paid my Kickstart Scheme salary?

Your employer will pay your salary / wages directly into your bank account. The funding for the Kickstart Scheme covers […]