Traineeships – Are they right for me?

Let’s take a look at traineeships and explore some of the most frequently asked questions.

What is a Traineeship?

A Traineeship is a quality work experience placement for 16 – 24 year olds which provides work preparation training and can boost your English and Maths skills (if you need it!). Traineeships are an opportunity to get real work experience, job skills and improve your English and Maths skills giving your career prospects a real boost. A traineeship programme can last between 6 weeks and 12 months.

What are the benefits of a Traineeship?

Traineeships were designed after research showed that young people lack the knowledge and experience employers expect. The programme will help this as well as benefiting you by:

  • Building your CV with valuable work experience. You will learn about the business and the industry it operates in
  • Giving you work preparation training which can help put you in a better position when applying for an apprenticeship or other employment
  • Boosting your ‘work ready’ skills! Employers have helped to design the programme to help give you the the confidence and skills to take your first to securing employment
  • Providing support with Maths and English skills if needed
  • Interviewing you at the end of your experience either for a role (if one is available) or an exit interview which will provide feedback to help you secure your next employment.

Is it right for me?

If you are motivated but haven’t had the opportunity to build up your skills and experience a traineeship could be right for you. If you are finding yourself unsuccessful when applying for opportunities and apprenticeships because of your skills and experience then a traineeship could be a good first step.

You will need to be:

  • Motivated to work
  • Unemployed, or working fewer than 16 hours per week and have little work experience
  • Aged between 16-24 and qualified below level 3 (e.g. you do not have college/A Level type qualifications or equivilant)

A traineeship might not be right for you if you:

  • already have the skills and experience needed to find an opportunity
  • are 25 years old or older
  • are already employed.

Are Traineeships Paid?

Employers may support you with expenses, with travel and lunch costs, for example. There is no requirement for employers to pay, it is a real opportunity to gain meaningful work experience.

You may be able to access financial support depending on your circumstances either from your training provider or your JobCentre.

Where do I find a Traineeship?

Please be aware that traineeship delivery changes came into place in August 2023. Traineeships are no longer available as a standalone programme, and are now available directly from colleges and other training providers.

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