Think you’re an Entrepreneur?

Youth Ambassador – Shwetal

“These days, the number of people who are working as entrepreneurs has increased so much that this career path almost qualifies as a lifestyle choice. by Youth Ambassador Shwetel

From my perspective, an entrepreneur isn’t just someone who launches a business; the desire to innovate then prompts that person to keep on striving to make positive changes. Companies need to be flexible: This starts with the people at the top, who must have a real desire to disrupt new markets they enter and to react nimbly to changing circumstances at established businesses.”- Sir Richard Branson

Get the feel of what it’s like to be an entrepreneur by trying a few of these jobs from an early age alongside your education like:


Rent space at antique cooperatives, or set up booths at weekend fairs to sell your antiques.

Computer Tutor 

Start promoting your computer-training services by teaching classes through organizations in your community which offer adult education courses.

Custom Jewelry and Accessories
Put your creative talents to work designing custom jewelry and accessories. Whether you work with sterling silver or recycled metals, clay or papier-mâché, there’s a market for your custom jewelry

Espresso Cart
Brew up profits day after day! Specialty coffee drinks generate gross profits of 55.1 to 61.5 percent per cup, says the Specialty Coffee Association of America. Head for events, concerts and farmers’ markets in your community.

pantiques1_1112512cGarage and Attic Cleaning/Hauling Service

A cleaning and hauling service can be a lot of fun. You can usually find a few treasures among the trash which most people are delighted to give away, and you can add to your income by recycling bottles, newspapers and metal castoffs.

T-Shirt Design

Paint, draw, bead or appliqué your designs on plain T-shirts, and spend your weekends showcasing your art-to-wear at farmers’ markets and crafts fairs.

Not everyone can afford to take fancy entrepreneurial courses at university, the best way to learn is either via working at start-ups, reading books, taking MOOCs or attending new trending events such as 3 Day Start-Up. Subscribe or like “entrepreneur” specific sites and Facebook pages.

Are you a young entrepreneur with a story to share?  Get in touch with YEUK as we love sharing the stories of young business owners.

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