The Commonwealth Foundation awards grants for sustainable development projects

The new call for grants is now open. The deadline for submission of the preliminary application form is 17.00GMT on 5 January 2016. Please see the updated guidelines and supporting documentation available here.common wealth

With more than 2.3 billion citizens, the Commonwealth provides a potentially huge pool of ideas for advancing societies. The Commonwealth Foundation’s grants help civil society organisations get their ideas across to policymakers.

The Commonwealth Foundation awards grants for sustainable development projects that contribute to effective, responsive and accountable governance with civil society participation.

At a glance

  • Open to civil society organisations (CSOs)
  • Up to £30,000 per year
  • Multi-year funding available (up to three years)
  • Delivered in Commonwealth Foundation eligible member countries

What makes our grants so special?

Initiatives on participatory governance in Commonwealth Countries from grass roots to national level
Projects range across sectors and themes from creative expression to community empowerment; from health to human rights.
Grantees learn from each other and develop the tools to monitor and evaluate their projects through our learning workshops

Focus areas

Grant projects must focus on one or more of the following:

Creative expression
Capacity development
Constructive engagement
Learning and sharing
The SAMOA Pathway
Cross-cutting themes

Applicants are encouraged to integrate the cross cutting theme of gender into the project design.

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