Use this lesson plan to help students complete the 2025 Youth Voice Census and understand the value of adding their voice.
Youth Voice Census Lesson Plan
Objective: Help students complete the 2025 Youth Voice Census and understand the importance of sharing their voice.
Time Required: 20-45 minutes
Who It’s For: KS3+ (Year 7 and above)
What You’ll Need: Internet access & Youth Employment UK website
Presentation Tools: PowerPoint, YouTube
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Download ResourcesWhy Take Part?
The Youth Voice Census is a national survey for young people aged 11-30 in the UK. It’s their chance to share their opinions on education, work opportunities, and life experiences. Every response helps shape policies and support for young people.
Youth Voice Census Lesson Plan Overview
In this lesson, your learners will be guided through how to complete the Youth Voice Census, which can take 20-45 minutes. Young people will only see questions that are relevant to them, so the duration may vary per individual.
Learning Outcomes
Students will understand why taking part in the Youth Voice Census is valuable for them. They will have time dedicated to completing the Youth Voice Census survey and add student voices to the thousands of young people across the UK taking part.
Lesson breakdown
5-Minute Starter: Why Your Voice Matters
Discuss: What does it mean to have a ‘youth voice’?
Explain the importance of the Youth Voice Census and how it influences decision-makers.
20-45 Minutes: Main activity
Complete the 2025 Youth Voice Census survey!
The survey is easy, anonymous, and tailored – they’ll only see relevant questions.
There is no sign-up required, and students can save their progress and complete it later.
2-10 Minute Plenary: Reflect & Discuss
- What questions stood out to you?
- Why is it important for organisations and policymakers to hear from young people?
- Are there any questions you think should have been included?
Main takeaway
Your voice counts! By taking part in the Youth Voice Census, students contribute to real change for themselves and their peers.