Developing online work experience and early engagement plans – Youth Friendly Employer Masterclass

Inspiring the next generation into work and your workforce, how do you make the move online? In this Masterclass Youth […]

Why it’s important for young people to vote in the next general election

Thousands of new British citizens and 18-year-olds will vote for the first time on 12 December, meaning they can play […]

choices maze

What About Everybody Else? – My response to post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below in England

With new T-Levels on the way, Youth Ambassador Board Member Harvey Morton responds with the view that reducing young people’s […]

youth ambassador board

Youth Voice: Youth Ambassador Board now has even MORE influence over Youth Employment UK’s top decisions

Exciting plans and greater youth voice input have been confirmed as Youth Employment UK’s Youth Ambassador Board and team officially […]

October APPG Youth Ambassador Blog

On Wednesday, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Youth Employment gathered at the Houses of Parliament for the first meeting of […]

Number 3

3 activities you can do this week to share your views and boost your skills

2017 has been a buzz of activity, take a look and see how you can improve your employability skills, support youth […]

Lend your voice to support equal opportunities in youth employment

Win a trip to Cracow, Poland by sharing your youth voice

Win a trip to Poland and lend your voice to support youth employment! How would you like to travel to […]

Mental health support plans

New plans for Mental Health Support – our view

New plans for Mental Health Support On the 9th of January the Prime Minister announced her plans to transform mental […]

Youth voice on apprenticeships

Institute of Apprenticeships – Draft Guidance

This week the Department for Education and Apprenticeships and Skills Minister Robert Halfon set out draft guidance on how the […]

have your say on Brexit

The “Brexit Watch” bureau – get involved!

If you are 35 or under and would like to know more about the Brexit process and have your voice and […]

A Youth Ambassador’s First APPG Experience

By Nathan Pearson-Smith – YEUK Youth Ambassador This was my first time attending the APPG and my first time attending […]

A YEUK Ambassador’s views on April’s APPG for Youth Employment meeting

By Harvey Morton – YEUK Youth Ambassador I was delighted to attend the Youth Employment UK APPG Meeting on Wednesday […]