interview confidence

Interview Tips – Confidence is King!

A sparkling CV gets you through the interview room door, but charisma is the clincher. Successful candidates exude confidence and […]

The ‘Youth Employment Summit’ 2015

The Youth Employment Summit 2015 As with any event that focuses on youth unemployment in the country, it is important to […]

Department of Education and youth organisations

  Seeing a teacher outside of school is usually an embarrassing experience, but is even worse if the teacher works […]

Riches or happiness? Ask the parents…

As a young person, I would like a job that satisfies me and makes me happy. I’m sure many other […]

2015 will it be the best year for graduates?

2015 will it be the best year for graduates? The job market for graduates continues to grow, and is expected […]

#GenerationVote – A Voting Revolution?

#GenerationVote – A Voting Revolution? By Youth Ambassador Jack Welch  As a new wave of a plethora of election campaigning […]

Job Hunting? Self-Care Is Not An Option!

Job Hunting? Self-Care Is Not An Option! Applying for your first job is a daunting enough step to take into […]

APPG Youth Affairs – Conservatives

APPG Youth Affairs – Conservatives – 17 February 2015 By Youth Ambassador Jack  It was just a matter of days […]

What can the UK learn from the German apprenticeship system?

What can the UK learn from the German apprenticeship system?   With most of Europe in stagnation, the financial sector […]

Employment views, by Luke Mayo

Employment views  By Luke Mayo Youth Ambassador We all have our own outlooks on employability – how to achieve it, […]

#Emilymatters: A Voting Revolution

#Emilymatters: A Voting Revolution By Youth Ambassador Jack  Like any campaign, its inspiration must have its roots. The #Emilymatters cause, founded by actor/writer […]

social media icons

PLEASE READ: Why you should clean up your online presence

By Baiba, Youth Ambassador  Big brands disown celebrities because of their behaviour; ask yourself what a future employer would see […]