Why is volunteering important for young people? Our Youth Ambassadors speak!

Wondering why you should start volunteering? See what our volunteer Youth Ambassadors have to say about their experience! Volunteering is […]

Volunteer Youth Ambassador Sibha: My Second Year of University and Keeping Positive in a Pandemic

I won’t let COVID take more time from me, says Sibha. Let’s keep our minds positive. Our volunteer Youth Ambassador Sibha […]

The importance of volunteering

Hello! I’m Euan, a Level 6 Chartered Business Management Degree Apprentice. I also volunteer for many organisations and charities, including […]

Looking for Work With Asperger’s – Ella’s story

Ella talks through her experience of job hunting with Asperger’s. She says it’s worth asking employers at job interviews if […]

“I Did An Online Job Interview And This Is How It Happened” – Q&A With Youth Ambassador Ciara

In times of Coronavirus, you might be worried that there are no jobs out there. But Ciara applied for an […]

mental health support hands

When it comes to mental health in the workplace, we must listen to Generation Z.

Zack, A Youth Ambassador with OCD was told that improving mental health support structures in a retail placement would damage […]

cardiomyopathy uk workshop

Our Youth Ambassadors hold employability workshop with charity Cardiomyopathy UK

Youth Employment UK’s Youth Ambassadors Victoria and Magisha held employment workshops at the Cardiomyopathy National Youth Gathering. They share their […]

o watkins

Youth Ambassador Olivia: “Give young people the opportunity to demonstrate their skills”

Meet Olivia Watkins, one of our volunteer Youth Ambassadors helping to empower other young people today. You can also read […]

M Zormelo

Youth Ambassador Maomi: “Experience is more important than education”

Meet Maomi Zormelo, one of our volunteer Youth Ambassadors helping to empower other young people today. Find out more about […]

btec graduate media makeup marlena

The Argument for BTEC: Interview With A Media Makeup BTEC Graduate

Media Makeup BTEC graduate Marlena shares her experience of choosing a BTEC as a positive alternative to A-levels.  Interview by Youth […]

youth ambassador board

Youth Voice: Youth Ambassador Board now has even MORE influence over Youth Employment UK’s top decisions

Exciting plans and greater youth voice input have been confirmed as Youth Employment UK’s Youth Ambassador Board and team officially […]

Deuvaunn Darroux

Youth Ambassador Deuvaunn: “Young people are the future of the country”

Meet Deuvaunn Darroux, one of our volunteer Youth Ambassadors helping to empower other young people today. Find out more about […]