What makes you different, is what makes you special!

YEUK Ambassador Blessing Maregere believes to be successful we should do something we are passionate about. Let your alarm clock […]

They loved you on paper – time to seal the deal!

Top interview questions Chris Speedy You’ve impressed them on paper and now it’s time to deliver the goods in person. […]

Changing the rules of the game: Video Cover Letters.

By YEUK Youth Ambassador Baiba With the technological age ruling, many employers are looking to recruit and hire those who […]

Dreaming of starting your own Business?

Go from Dreaming to up and Running! By Youth Ambassador Shwetal   Start-up, Entrepreneur, and Enterprise are words that are […]

Thinking of Studying Law?

We spoke to Sophie, from Cambridgeshire while she was studying her Law Degree at the University of Oxford about her future plans […]

Think you’re an Entrepreneur?

“These days, the number of people who are working as entrepreneurs has increased so much that this career path almost […]

Interview Tips For Beginners

Stand tall, sit still:  A successful interview isn’t only about what you say; your body language speaks volumes too. Slumping […]