The Work Experience Catch

The Work Experience Catch by YEUK Youth Ambassador Alexa-Jane 23 Worcester When the exams are finally over and a wave […]

The ‘Youth Employment Summit’ 2015

The Youth Employment Summit 2015 As with any event that focuses on youth unemployment in the country, it is important to […]

2015 will it be the best year for graduates?

2015 will it be the best year for graduates? The job market for graduates continues to grow, and is expected […]

What can the UK learn from the German apprenticeship system?

What can the UK learn from the German apprenticeship system?   With most of Europe in stagnation, the financial sector […]

Labour Market Analysis – March

At YEUK we think that by understanding the labour market young people can help make an informed choice about the […]

What I think of Work Experience

YEUK Ambassador Alex Knight, London Did you participate in one/two weeks work experience during secondary school? This is how I remember […]

Are you waiting to hear back from your chosen university?

While you wait on your confirmation from your chosen universities, we thought we offer some insight to all that jargon… Admissions […]

How a gap year can help you get focused

Sam McGuirk is an inspirational young person who has really grabbed the opportunities around him to make the most of […]

They loved you on paper – time to seal the deal!

Top interview questions Chris Speedy You’ve impressed them on paper and now it’s time to deliver the goods in person. […]

Changing the rules of the game: Video Cover Letters.

By YEUK Youth Ambassador Baiba With the technological age ruling, many employers are looking to recruit and hire those who […]

Before you make those post 16 choices

Before you make those post 16 choices Whatever choices you make post 16 here are some questions and a spot […]

Thinking of Studying Law?

We spoke to Sophie, from Cambridgeshire while she was studying her Law Degree at the University of Oxford about her future plans […]