2014 – That’s a wrap

The 31st of December is a natural time for reflection for many things.  Today one of our ambassadors asked me […]

Are you waiting to hear back from your chosen university?

While you wait on your confirmation from your chosen universities, we thought we offer some insight to all that jargon… Admissions […]

They loved you on paper – time to seal the deal!

Top interview questions Chris Speedy You’ve impressed them on paper and now it’s time to deliver the goods in person. […]

Changing the rules of the game: Video Cover Letters.

By YEUK Youth Ambassador Baiba With the technological age ruling, many employers are looking to recruit and hire those who […]

Thinking of Studying Law?

We spoke to Sophie, from Cambridgeshire while she was studying her Law Degree at the University of Oxford about her future plans […]

Interview Tips For Beginners

Stand tall, sit still:  A successful interview isn’t only about what you say; your body language speaks volumes too. Slumping […]