uni graduate

Your university can still help you after you graduate. Here’s how.

Think your university can’t help you once you graduate? Think again – your university alumni team can help with career […]

graduate celebrate

Earnings for recent graduates are on the rise

Median earnings for recent graduates increased in 2016/17, with graduate earnings increasing to £19,900 1-3 years after graduating, and £23,300 […]

The Work Experience Catch

The Work Experience Catch by YEUK Youth Ambassador Alexa-Jane 23 Worcester When the exams are finally over and a wave […]

Department of Education and youth organisations

  Seeing a teacher outside of school is usually an embarrassing experience, but is even worse if the teacher works […]

Job Hunting? Self-Care Is Not An Option!

Job Hunting? Self-Care Is Not An Option! Applying for your first job is a daunting enough step to take into […]

Are you a Budding Young Entrepreneur?

Are you currently setting up your own business? or have a brilliant plan that could lead to your own business? […]

The First Month of My Dream Job!

The First Month of My Dream Job by YEUK Youth Ambassador Baiba, 23, London I have always craved more; more creativity, […]

Q: Not sure it’s the right career for you?

Q: Not sure if it’s the right career for you? A: Get out there and FIND OUT By Keshav Bhatt  […]

Changing the rules of the game: Video Cover Letters.

By YEUK Youth Ambassador Baiba With the technological age ruling, many employers are looking to recruit and hire those who […]

Interview Tips For Beginners

Stand tall, sit still:  A successful interview isn’t only about what you say; your body language speaks volumes too. Slumping […]

Interview with a Graduate

We spoke to 24 year old Emily Duncan, a fantastic Graduate who studied History, Emily shared with us her journey […]