Are you waiting to hear back from your chosen university?

While you wait on your confirmation from your chosen universities, we thought we offer some insight to all that jargon… Admissions […]

How a gap year can help you get focused

Sam McGuirk is an inspirational young person who has really grabbed the opportunities around him to make the most of […]

Q: Not sure it’s the right career for you?

Q: Not sure if it’s the right career for you? A: Get out there and FIND OUT By Keshav Bhatt  […]

Changing the rules of the game: Video Cover Letters.

By YEUK Youth Ambassador Baiba With the technological age ruling, many employers are looking to recruit and hire those who […]

Dreaming of starting your own Business?

Go from Dreaming to up and Running! By Youth Ambassador Shwetal   Start-up, Entrepreneur, and Enterprise are words that are […]

Think you’re an Entrepreneur?

“These days, the number of people who are working as entrepreneurs has increased so much that this career path almost […]