The events unfolding in Ukraine are tragic and worrying for everyone. Here are some ways to help you look after your wellbeing and emotions as a young person at this time.
You may be feeling all kinds of emotions during this time, whether you are personally affected (or know someone who is), or you are generally concerned.
If you need some help to process what you are feeling and understand or deal with current events, there is a range of support available.
Getting yourself in the moment to help clear your mind
Read the BBC’s advice on coping with the situation in Ukraine.
Quoting from the article:
Experts agree that if you’re feeling anxious, avoid doomscrolling – the act of spending an excessive amount of time consuming negative news.
Clinical psychologist Dr Emma Hepburn says it’s something we often do when faced with uncertainty, but instead of filling in the gaps with useful information, we can end up catastrophising.
“The way we seek clarity is to look for more information, but that often creates less clarity, cause we’re seeing the same information again and again and it doesn’t allow us to step back.”
She also points out that you’re allowed to feel safe and be concerned. “The two aren’t mutually exclusive.”
Mind advises only looking at news and social media at certain times of the day, for a limited duration, and then doing something relaxing afterwards.
Alex also recommends being conscious of where you get your information: rely on trusted news sources, focus on facts rather that alarmist speculation, don’t engage with graphic content.
“When I do it, I step away, and it clears my mind, [it works] because you’re not thinking about things you can’t control,” he says.
Perspective and positive actions
This Metro article on how to talk to children about what’s happening in Ukraine can help if you have younger brothers or sisters who are concerned. If you scroll down to the sections on ‘What can parents do or say” and ‘Active listening’, you may also find that the guidance for parents can be of help to you, too. What is said there could help you work with your perspective and also give you some ideas on positive actions you might wish to take.
Helplines and support
Childline is a great resource for all young people, not just children.
If you are worried about your mental health as a result of the issues in Ukraine, you can also text Shout to 85258. This is a free, confidential, 24/7 text message support service for anyone who is feeling overwhelmed or is struggling to cope. Trained volunteers will work with you at any time of day or night to help you take the next steps towards feeling better.
Your mental health matters
Need some support, or someone to talk to? Our Mental Health Zone offers a range of resources for young people who are looking to work with their emotions and may need a helping hand.