*BLOG* Stop press! Another survey about young people lacking the skills for work!

The British Chamber of Commerce released their latest employer survey which says young people still lack the skills for work according to its members. “Here we go again says I”

As far back as 2009 I can find reports from employer organisations, newspapers, think tanks and government papers that highlight this very same issue.  In fact the articles seem to be recycled versions of the year before.

Are the British Chamber telling us anything we have not heard?  No, I am afraid not, when you compare it to the reports dating back to 2009 they all read much the same.   Of course on one hand it is really important to highlight that the education to work transition is still a problem, we can’t ever take our eye off this or get complacent, we are failing our young people. The wider impact of this failure for young people and our economy is a very real problem.

We recently asked young people about their experiences of careers education, work experience and preparation for work and the answers probably wouldn’t surprise you either.

Photos of ambassadors
YEUK Ambassadors working hard to tackle youth unemployment

However, beyond this latest survey what concerns me is that when you take account of all of the surveys and reports over the last 5 years we don’t seem to have made any real difference to this issue.  Education to work skills were a big problem in 2009 and they are still a problem today in 2014.  Although I have to add in we work with some AMAZING young people, our young members and ambassadors are very ready for work and add huge value to us, so lets remember we are not talking about ALL young people and ALL schools.

The question we must ask is what are we really doing about youth employment, the government has spent billions on the various initiatives and of course on the benefits being paid to young unemployed people, employers have also invested in new programmes and school leaver recruitment, the education system has had an overhaul.  But has it worked?  According to the British Chamber the answer is no. Although we would say there are pockets of really great programmes making a difference, its just not widespread.

So what do we need to see?  Better careers education, better links to employers, work experience, improved qualifications and education mandated to support education to work transition?  Better sharing of the good practice?

We think we need to see more of all of that, but more than just calling for it we are doing it.  Joining up some of the good initiatives is a must, organisations working in this space can’t keep doing their own thing, only together will we make a difference which is why we are celebrating our partnership with Plotr.

In addition we are championing a national badge that recognises those employers who support young people so young people, schools and communities can find the help when they need it.  The Youth Friendly badge is a practical way of encouraging businesses to help young people and has a real shot at creating “youth friendly” communities which when all is said and done must be part of the picture we want for all our children; to grow up in a community that supports them through education and into employment.

It is time for us to stop talking and take action, we need to challenge every UK employer to become Youth Friendly, every MP to support its schools to improve the education and employment links and create a community that looks after the skills and future of its young.  Failing a radical change in the way employers, schools and communities work together I am afraid that the future skills surveys will continue to regurgitate much of what we have seen so far.

YEUK will be calling on its members and supporters to join our Youth Employment Policy Asks, we want to unite the voices of all those that care about the future of young people and young people themselves.  Let us make sure that together the government cannot ignore us.

Here is just a selection of these employer surveys including the latest Chamber of Commerce one, the choice was vast!

In 2014


In 2013


In 2013


In 2012


In 2011


In 2010


In 2009


Get Involved

Sign your organisation up to the free Youth Friendly badge https://www.youthemployment.org.uk/youthfriendly/

Talk to your MP about creating a Youth Friendly community https://www.youthemployment.org.uk/youthfriendlymp-campaign-2014/

Join YEUK and help us deliver a Youth Employment Policy for the 2015 elections https://www.youthemployment.org.uk/organisational-dashboard/

Youth Employment UK CIC is a not for profit campaigning and membership organisation dedicated to tackling youth unemployment.


Laura-Jane Rawlings CEO

Discover Youth Friendly Employers

Email us at info@youthemployment.org.uk or call 01536 513388.