Soumi Rai: Engaging Young Employees (Gen Y) in a Social Media Dominated World

Soumi Rai article on engaging young employees (Gen Y) in a social media dominated world raises and offer solutions for a hhe and still growing issue, and opportunity, for employers. Using Indian businesses and employers as a case study, it offers an insight into what could be done in the United Kingdom. The abstract below explains the article’s focus.

Engaging employees beyond their given work sphere is gaining rapid importance in an ever changing world witnessing volatile business events almost every day. Rapid technological changes and shrinking distances have given birth to the most happening platform on the web; termed ‘Social media’, this encompasses a wide variety of networks (viz. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin) and applications that compress information and allow instantaneous access to its users even across remote locations. Given the rapid progression of this powerful medium, the paper seeks to understand its impact on young employees across organizations. It reviews the concept of Employee Engagement in the backdrop of a socially networked population, related to aspects like loyalty and commitment towards the organization. Also given the high attrition rates being faced currently by Indian organizations during the growth phase, the paper also delves into challenges faced by Human Resource in engaging such employees and further suggestions towards amalgamation of this medium for increasing HR effectiveness.


View the entire article here.

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