Should I Quit Uni? A Youth Ambassador’s Story…

Are you considering whether you want to quit university? Volunteer Youth Ambassador Kelsey was in the same situation – here is her experience.

Many times through both of my bachelor’s degree and my master’s degree I considered walking away from university. Both times it was because I was left questioning whether what I was doing was really worth it.

In my first degree, I had reached 3rd year and hit a brick wall. I didn’t know what I wanted to do in the future with my degree so why was I paying out the money for it? It turns out that I didn’t feel alone about that!

I spoke to one of my lecturers about what was going on and he asked “Kelsey, do you enjoy what you are studying?”. I said “Yes, I love what I’m studying, it’s just I…”, and he told me “You learn a lot more on a degree than what you are studying. Think about what you like about the degree and look for a career around that”.

I figured out that I loved learning new things and that my personality meant that I thrive in situations that are ever changing. Alongside of that, I love teaching others and sharing knowledge so that people aren’t left questioning things they have never been told before.

For my masters, I had the same crisis of faith. I thought “I’ve done a masters, surely I should be getting better offers? Why am I doing this?”, but I thought of the same thing I learned before – get through this, update your CV, and look for something that follows why you did the degrees, not something that follows the knowledge you gained from it.

That is exactly what I did. I work in an industry that has nothing to do with what I studied, yet every day I learn new things, I am in situations that are fast paced and ever changing, and I also get to share knowledge with other people!

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