‘Purpose and quality of Education in England’ web forum

From the Commons Select Committee Website –

“As part of our inquiry into the purpose and quality of education in England, the Education Committee would like to hear your views on what the education system is for. Before submitting to the forum please consider the following points:

How much of a focus should there be on preparing young people for employment through focusing on skills such as numeracy and literacy?
What role should the education system play in developing ‘soft’ skills, such as leadership and communication?
How much should education prepare people for adult life in terms of areas such as healthy relationships and personal finance?
Send us your comments on the following question:
What should the main purpose of education be? What should young people be taught to fulfil that purpose?
The deadline for comments is midday, Monday 25 January 2016.

Comments will be used to inform the Committee’s thinking on this issue. This forum is pre-moderated and comments that breach the online discussion rules will not be posted.”


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