How My Retail Summer Job Expanded My Horizons #YouthVoice

One of our  Youth Ambassadors found that a retail summer job helped him have a more positive outlook that expanded […]

London Digital Jobs And Skills Hub – Employers

London Digital Jobs And Skills Hub – Support

Get Job Ready with McDonald’s

Darlington Jobcentre Plus – Supporting Young People Into Work

See all the ways in which Darlington Jobcentre Plus supports young people into work. You might be surprised by the […]

London Digital Jobs And Skills Hub – Free Courses and Training

Commonwealth Jobs and Skills Academy

How To Prepare For University Interviews

Have you been given a university interview? Find out how to prepare for it and how to make a good […]

Keep A Confidence List – Get Job Ready

Keep a Confidence List Activity: Ask yourself and others what your greatest strengths are, then turn it into a confidence […]

Confidence – Get Job Ready

Your Personal Confidence Confidence isn’t about being the star of the show. It’s about getting to know your personal strengths […]

Being Yourself Versus Selling Yourself – Get Job Ready

Being Yourself Versus Selling Yourself See ways to balance being yourself and selling yourself when looking for work or struggling […]

Making SMART Goals – Get Job Ready

Making SMART goals you can achieve A good way to achieve your goals in life, big or small, is to […]