Institute for Apprenticeships: Faster & Better

The Institute for Apprenticeships remit is to ensure the development of high-quality apprenticeships it also covers a series of supportive […]

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AELP Webinar: Understanding the Rules for Apprenticeship Subcontracting

Overview Love it or loath it subcontracting plays a vital part in our apprenticeship ecosystem… there are many reasons why […]

Youth Employment UK response to the latest Apprenticeship data

Provisional figures published by the DfE report Apprenticeship starts for August, September and October. This shows a 26% fall compared […]

Annual Apprenticeship Exhibition & Conference 2018

On the back of the tremendous success of AAC 2015, 2016 and 2017, the fourth Annual Apprenticeship Conference and Exhibition […]

Apprenticeship and levy statistics: January 2018

The Department for Education have released statistics covering latest monthly apprenticeship starts, apprenticeship service registrations and commitments and apprenticeship levy […]

Consultation on the (draft) Youth Work Apprenticeship Standards

  A number of our partners have been supporting the Youth Work Trailblazer to develop apprenticeship standards for Youth Workers, […]

Apprentice wages

Apprenticeship Wages : TUC Findings

According to the TUC 135,000 apprentices in England are being paid below the minimum wage. The findings come as TUC […]

Technical education and apprenticeships: raising awareness in schools

From 2 January 2018 all local-authority-maintained schools and academies must give education and training providers the opportunity to talk to […]

Young Women in Apprenticeships: still not working?

Are the new apprenticeship measures doing enough to support young women into work? The Young Women’s Trust launched the follow […]

SMEs in line for share of £360m through apprenticeship framework

  A new Crown Commercial Service framework will help government train the next generation of civil servants. Government is expected […]

feature careers

Apprenticeship standard: accounting and taxation professional

The Institute of Apprenticeships have set the apprenticeship standard for accounting and taxation professionals. The standard describes the job role […]

Apprenticeship guide of local authorities

Apprenticeship reforms: guide for local authorities

The Department for Communities and Local Government have launched the below guide for local authorities. The guide contains information about […]