have your say on Brexit

The “Brexit Watch” bureau – get involved!

If you are 35 or under and would like to know more about the Brexit process and have your voice and […]


Acas guidance for employers on workplace issues over winter months

Seeing past the Christmas lights and whilst looking forward to a well-earned break it’s important to remember that December can […]

Skills gap remains top concern for UK SMEs – Apprentice Eye

Article originally by Apprentice Eye The Albion Growth report is built on interviews with 1000 SMEs and takes the temperature […]

Youth unemployment and the continuing challenges

Article by Ben Fisher, YEUK Ambassador Last week it was revealed that youth unemployment is costing British taxpayers £45 billion, […]

CV Library – How to stay safe in the face of job scams

It’s no secret that many students and graduates find themselves in a financial rut during or post-University. It’s no wonder […]

first day new job

First Day In Your New Job? Pack For Success!

Your first job is a whole new world from where you’re coming from. Remember those first day at school butterflies […]

We Still Need to Sell the Benefits of Apprenticeships

David Way CBE has his new book ‘A Race to the Top: Achieving Three Million More Apprenticeships by 2020’ out now, which […]

Latest Plotr Magazine – Careers Advice and Inspiration

Plotr Careers Magazine is completely free and available as an iOS app, Android app or in printable PDF format. Explore […]

YEUK Ambassador Harvey Morton

Work Experience Week – An Ambassador’s Story #WEWeek2016

It’s Work Experience Week so we’re sharing young people’s stories of work experience, as well as advice and insights into […]

My Work Experience Story – Harvey #WEWeek2016

It’s Work Experience Week so we’re sharing your work experiences, as well as advice on securing some valuable opportunities to […]

Creating Opportunities – How do DST engage their community?

  DST reflect on the work they do in the community to be more youth friendly. Exert from a blog […]

Young Professional Badge Youth Employment UK

Young Professionals are building career confidence with new Youth Employment UK campaign

A new employability skills initiative is set to boost young people’s career confidence and help change the face of youth […]