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University, further and technical qualifications : routes to success

The Department for Education (DfE) has published a white paper today called “Skills for Jobs: Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and […]

Skills Shortage in the UK Series -bulletin 8

The Edge Foundation have launched the 8th bulletin that pulls together research across the employment and education sector to highlight […]

Ways to Overcome Employment Barriers when you Struggle with Internet Access

The internet needs to be seen as a human right, not a luxury. Let’s look at ways you can work […]

BT announces ‘Lockdown Learning’ support scheme for kids and families

BT are launching a range of support measures to ensure young disadvantaged people can stay connected to education during lockdown. […]

Volunteering in Somerset

If you’re thinking about volunteering and you live in Somerset, there are loads of ways to get stuck in. What […]

Careermap: Connecting you to high-quality career guidance & employment opportunities

Careermap: Connecting you to high-quality career guidance & employment opportunities  The team at Careermap are passionate about connecting young people […]

National Skills Fund : Latest Information

The Chancellor announced £375 million for the National Skills Fund at the Spending Review in November 2020. More details of how […]

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Good Youth Employment Symposium launches with 1,000 Opportunities Session

The Good Youth Employment Symposium launches with support from Mims Davies MP, find out more about the session and the […]

10 Reasons to work for Surrey County Council from apprentices Luke and Luis

Apprentices from Youth Friendly Employer Surrey County Council Luke and Luis give their 10 reasons why they like working for Surrey […]

Mental Health of Children and Young People in the Pandemic

New research shows the impact on young people’s mental health and wellbeing in lockdown, the data and insight discussed covers […]