YEUK Ambassadors lead on tackling youth unemployment

Following on from the #YouthFriendlyMP Campaign, YEUK Ambassadors were asked to hold their own events that would help young people […]

They loved you on paper – time to seal the deal!

Top interview questions Chris Speedy You’ve impressed them on paper and now it’s time to deliver the goods in person. […]

Top 5 tips on getting into marketing!

Five top tips on getting into marketing! Market research has shown that there is a shortage in skilled workers in […]

Before you make those post 16 choices

Before you make those post 16 choices Whatever choices you make post 16 here are some questions and a spot […]

6th Form

6th Form In year 11 you can choose to move on from your school to college or another 6th form […]

Interview Tips For Beginners

Stand tall, sit still:  A successful interview isn’t only about what you say; your body language speaks volumes too. Slumping […]