Volunteering Experience – Using and Gaining Transferable Skills

by Michael Tran, YEUK Youth Ambassador The last of our articles celebrating #volunteersweek, where Michael shares his experience of volunteering […]

iWill Campaign – Volunteers Week Resource Pack

With Volunteers week running from 1st – 12th June, we have created a short resource pack and would like your […]

How Youth Social Action Improves Employability & Wellbeing

As part of #volunteersweek I explore youth social action and how it has played a huge part in changing my own […]

Autism in the workplace

Read our advice on removing any unintended barriers during recruitment and supporting young people with autism. What is autism? Autism […]

Regional Youth Works North East – Reducing the Skills Gap

Reducing the Skills Gap is a young person led training programme that improves the development of employability skills in young […]

Volunteering – What can it do for you?

by Jake Sidhu – YEUK Youth Ambassador Ahead of #volunteersweek, starting 1st June, and with this month’s APPG for Youth […]

Reflections on the emotional plight of trying to find work – Some possible solutions

By Laurence Griffin In February, Laurence wrote about the barriers and difficulties faced when looking for work. Here, he briefly […]

Reflections on the emotional plight of trying to find work – Some possible solutions

By Laurence Griffin   In February, Laurence wrote about the barriers and difficulties faced when looking for work. Here, he […]

Apprenticeship Debate

On the 25th of February Youth Employment UK C.I.C (YEUK) hosted the Apprenticeship Debate at the We Love Apprenticeships Conference […]

ITP’s Apprenticeship Scheme

The ITP give companies the option to recruit telecoms apprentices in house or we can do it for them (at […]

ITP’s Apprenticeship Scheme

The ITP give companies the option to recruit telecoms apprentices in house or we can do it for them (at […]

How YEUK Member HAE are developing their young people

Future Hirers Case Study Future Hirers Day is suitable for 18 – 30 year olds who are:  seeking a new […]