Labour Market Analysis – January

At YEUK we think that by understanding the labour market young people can help make an informed choice about the […]

Labour Market Analysis December

When thinking about your career or supporting someone to think about theirs, it is important to consider what is happening […]

How a gap year can help you get focused

Sam McGuirk is an inspirational young person who has really grabbed the opportunities around him to make the most of […]

YEUK is proud to be the campaign partner for The Building Futures Group

With fears of an ageing workforce and impending skills gap gripping the sector, The Building Futures Group has launched a […]

Independent streak & positive attitude!3

YEUK Advisory Board member, David Shindler, interviewed three brilliant young women. Rebecca Furey  Lucy Major  Elizabeth Sanderson (Featured) All three […]

Exams and your future!

Name:  Shanon Pattenden (17) Two years ago, my overly studious nature had paid off by being reflected in my GCSE […]

Interview with an apprentice

Alexander Quang Age: 22 Location: London I started by taking the normal route; GCSE’s, A Levels. In the end I […]

Dreaming of starting your own Business?

Go from Dreaming to up and Running! By Youth Ambassador Shwetal   Start-up, Entrepreneur, and Enterprise are words that are […]

Your Dream Factory- from Dreaming to up and Running!

Your Dream Factory- from Dreaming to up and Running! By Youth Ambassador Shwetel, Start-up, Entrepreneur, and Enterprise are words that […]

Interview with a Graduate

We spoke to 24 year old Emily Duncan, a fantastic Graduate who studied History, Emily shared with us her journey […]