Latest Plotr Magazine – Careers Advice and Inspiration

Plotr Careers Magazine is completely free and available as an iOS app, Android app or in printable PDF format. Explore […]

YEUK Ambassador Harvey Morton

Work Experience Week – An Ambassador’s Story #WEWeek2016

It’s Work Experience Week so we’re sharing young people’s stories of work experience, as well as advice and insights into […]

My Work Experience Story – Harvey #WEWeek2016

It’s Work Experience Week so we’re sharing your work experiences, as well as advice on securing some valuable opportunities to […]

What Professionalism Means to Me – Lauren Evans

We spoke to writer Lauren Evans about her perceptions of the term ‘young professional’ and what it means to her. […]

Young Professional Stakeholders Meeting – A Youth Ambassadors’ View

This is the age of uncertainty – Brexit is ambushing Britain; the rise of ultra-right wing, Eurosceptic parties such as […]

Young Professional Badge Youth Employment UK

Young Professionals are building career confidence with new Youth Employment UK campaign

A new employability skills initiative is set to boost young people’s career confidence and help change the face of youth […]

7 Ways to Boost Your Communication Skills

This article was originally published on Plotr* Communication skills are a key part of your skillset when you’re in the […]

Employer’s Top Tips: Writing a Great Cover Letter by LearnDirect

We spoke to learndirect, who provide learning, training, and employment opportunities across the country about cover letters, and their top […]

overcoming barriers

How To Overcome Barriers

If you come from a less ‘well-off’ background, it can seem like you’re already at a disadvantage against your peers. […]

Supporting graduates from disadvantaged backgrounds

Youth Ambassador Meg has written about the challenges young people from less privileged backgrounds may face, and how we can […]

6 Successful People and What You can Learn from Them

This article was originally published on Plotr.  These young superstars are talented and successful. Now, with these six lessons you […]

Don’t Give Up – My Story of Perseverance

For International Youth Day our very own Youth Ambassador Ben Fisher shares the story of how he kept going through […]