written communication

Written communication – Young Professional Challenge

We communicate in lots of ways, sometimes without having to say anything at all! We’ve covered communication, body language and […]

City Year Visit

Youth ambassador Harvey was invited along to meet the team at City Year earlier this month to see how a […]

Futureproof Employer Workshop – GMTM & City & Guilds

Business in the Community and Greater Manchester Talent Match are co-hosting this Employer Workshop focusing on Future Proof and the […]

How to Succeed in the Global Workplace – Free online training

‘How to Succeed in the Global Workplace’is a free course aimed at people preparing to enter the job market or […]

How to balance studying and part-time work at college

See how to combine working and studying at college in ways that help you take care of your wellbeing too. […]

Free Careers Education Resources For Teachers And Careers Leaders

career regret

Biggest career regrets

New data from CV-Library found that 75.7% of Brits would start an entire new career if they had the chance, […]

The future of jobs

The future of jobs

Last week the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) launched the The future of jobs commission report. The commission chaired by […]

October APPG Youth Ambassador Blog

On Wednesday, the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Youth Employment gathered at the Houses of Parliament for the first meeting of […]

FREE Get Started with Digital Media Course with the Prince’s Trust

Do you know anyone 16-25, NEET and interested in Media(Film)? Taster Day: 10th October 2017 Main Programme: 16th-20th October 2017 […]

Is the 9-5 still the way to make living?

The average UK worker (36.7%) puts in over 13 extra working days a year, with two thirds (64%) admitting that […]

Graduate voices

Graduate Voices: Job Searching in your 20s

The world of work can be difficult to navigate at any level, to explore this further David Shindler from Learning […]