Youth Friendly Places: Wolverhampton

How Will Coronavirus Impact Graduate Recruitment and Work Experience?

The Sutton Trust are producing a series of research briefs called ‘Covid-19 Impacts’ looking at the impact of Covid-19 across […]

Which jobs are easiest to get post-lockdown?

As the world adjusts to lockdown easing, some jobs are easier to get than others. It won’t be forever, but […]

Support for Young People with Learning Disabilities in the UK

If you are a young person with any kind of learning disability, these UK resources and organisations can help you […]

Support for Young People with Physical Disabilities in the UK

These organisations and schemes support young people with physical disabilities in the UK. Make sure you’re getting any extra support […]

How volunteering has helped my professional and personal development

Our CEO Laura-Jane spent some time with one our longest serving Youth Ambassadors and chair of our Youth Board, Patrick […]

What are Applicant Tracking Systems, and how can your online job application score highly in one?

If there is one topic you don’t really get careers advice about when applying for jobs, it’s application tracking systems […]

Youth Friendly Places – West Midlands

STEM Careers: the role of the education, career aspirations and access to learning opportunities

The APPG on Diversity and Inclusion in STEM published a report titled ‘Inquiry on Equity in STEM education’ which outlines […]

Having to rely on luck : why young people aren’t ‘levelling up’

When it comes to further education, training and employment, young people are having to rely on luck – so why […]

Looking For Work In A Pandemic – A Young Person’s Perspective: Jess

First Name: Jess Age: 17 Location: Corby, Northamptonshire How long have you been looking for work? I have been looking […]

Looking for work in a pandemic – A young person’s perspective: Alina

First Name: Alina Age: 23 Location: East London What type of employment opportunity you are looking for? Since my internship ended  I […]