YE2030: The Impact of Covid-19 on young people, in their words

Youth Employment 2030 (YE2030) have launched their report Employment and Prospects for Young People in England Post-Covid-19.  This youth-led project […]

Labour Market Statistics October 2020

The ONS have released the latest Labour Market Overview covering the months June – August, there is additional data that […]

Career Planning: A Simple 4-Step Process to Get Started

Have you dedicated time to career planning? It’s worth it! A solid career planning process can help you work out […]

What is LMI, How Can It Help Young People, and How Do You Use It?

As of 2020, the youth unemployment rate in the UK sits at 12.7%. Though this is a substantial reduction from […]

What are Traineeships?

A traineeship is a quality work experience placement for 16-24 year olds that helps you get experience, job skills and […]

How Will Coronavirus Impact Graduate Recruitment and Work Experience?

The Sutton Trust are producing a series of research briefs called ‘Covid-19 Impacts’ looking at the impact of Covid-19 across […]

Support for Young People with Learning Disabilities in the UK

If you are a young person with any kind of learning disability, these UK resources and organisations can help you […]

Support for Young People with Physical Disabilities in the UK

These organisations and schemes support young people with physical disabilities in the UK. Make sure you’re getting any extra support […]

Having to rely on luck : why young people aren’t ‘levelling up’

When it comes to further education, training and employment, young people are having to rely on luck – so why […]

Looking For Work In A Pandemic – A Young Person’s Perspective: Jess

First Name: Jess Age: 17 Location: Corby, Northamptonshire How long have you been looking for work? I have been looking […]

Looking for work in a pandemic – A young person’s perspective: Alina

First Name: Alina Age: 23 Location: East London What type of employment opportunity you are looking for? Since my internship ended  I […]

Interested in an apprenticeship? Discover Youth Friendly Wolverhampton

Thinking about doing an apprenticeship? Discover how you can start to earn as you learn with apprenticeships in Youth Friendly […]