Moving on

The Moving On Results Day Guide for 2017 is available

Each year the Moving On team produce the Results Day Guide. This offers information, hints and tips to help students […]

Policy Update

July Policy Update

Parliament has now entered the summer recess, our PM is on a long walk and Ministers and MP’s return to […]

Careers Advice and Help

Traineeships: evaluation

The Department of Business, Innovation and Skills and the Department for Education have launched an analysis of what employers and […]

A Campaign for Careers

Gaps in social mobility are widening

The Social Mobility Commission report published this week (see summary and links to the report below) has given a damning […]

recognising talent

Youth Friendly attraction and interview processes – Business Breakfast June

We held our second business breakfast on 21st June hosted by Cascaid in Loughborough. This session focused on our Youth […]

Generation of unease

A Generation of Unease – Jack Welch

Is this a generation of unease? Looking at the news headlines informing the state of challenges that young people today […]

Careers Advice Postcode Lottery Impacts Futures of Millions of UK Teens

Great Expectations Press Release 24 August 2016 / Be the first to comment City & Guilds is calling for Government […]

My Results Day Experience

Our Youth Ambassador Jake wrote about his GCSE results day(s) and his advice for anyone about to get their results! […]

Results Day Stories and Advice

With A Level results tomorrow and GCSEs next week it’s a bit of a tense time. The summer is nearly […]

The Careers & Enterprise Company’s National Mentoring Campaign

I am pleased to say that last week we launched our Mentoring Prospectus (attached) setting out details on how to join […]

Key Skills – an Overview

What are Key Skills and Why are They Important Key skills cover the areas of Numeracy, Literacy, and IT. Having […]