best jobs for introverts

What are the best jobs for introverts – and how can introverts at work be their best self?

Plenty of jobs are a great fit for introverts who recharge when they spend time alone. Explore some of the […]

How to be more assertive

This week’s young professional challenge is all about being assertive, we’ve been working with you on your communication skills for […]

First Findings from the Skills and Employment Survey 2017

To see how the UK’s productivity currently stands, a group of researchers from Cardiff University, Oxford University and University College […]

NHS careers

70 NHS careers to celebrate 70 golden years of the NHS!

The NHS celebrates its 70th birthday in 2018. NHS achievements over the years have made an epic difference to the […]

construction degree types

What can I do with a degree in construction?

You may see a construction career as one where physical work and commitment is what leads to higher pay and […]

Max Whitlock BTEC

What is a BTEC and why is it seen as a popular alternative to A levels?

BTEC stands for the Business and Technology Education Council. A BTEC is a qualification that’s based on practical study rather […]

MMA Rose Rees 2

Becoming a Training & Development Manager with the Midland Metro Alliance – what’s it really like?

Real-life careers: Rose Rees loved Art and English at school, but discovered she had a talent for business too. She […]

Developing early careers engagement programmes : Wood

As part of our #CareerSpotlight Month we have been busy creating a series of content to inspire young people and […]

T Level Panel Recruitment

Last week, the Technical Education Delivery (TEID) division launched the recruitment for employer panels for the following T level routes […]

Apprenticeships in the NHS- An Interactive Insight Day

Stockport NHS Foundation Trust alongside the Greater Manchester NHS Careers Hub are hosting an interactive insight day to explore apprenticeship opportunities in […]

End Point Assessment Webinar

We caught up with Fraser Ingham, Director of Skills First and awarding organisation on end point assessment. You can watch […]

Costain – Rising Star Event

Join an evening with Costain to learn more about their fantastic Apprenticeships opportunities. Costain has a diverse, vibrant, challenging and growing […]