communication skills - listen better

5 ways to listen better – TedTalk

Ready to build up your communication skills? We’ve already covered some of the top communications skills and you can refresh […]

Interview tips from a recruitment consultant

5 Interview Tips From a Recruitment Consultant

Getting through to the interview stage is something to proud of. You’ve done a great job with your CV and […]

A Campaign for Careers

A campaign for careers

#CareersCampaign A campaign for careers: young people within our networks tell us: They want to know about the world of […]

Creating Opportunity : A guide to providing careers support to schools

In their Contemporary transitions report The Educators and Employers Taskforce identified that where young people experience higher volumes of employer […]


Co-creation : Youth Voice

Co-creation Co-creation is the act of bringing different parties working together in order to produce an outcome which is jointly […]

workforce of tomorrow

Employers of today look towards the workforce of tomorrow

London-based social mobility charities, The Brokerage Citylink and Tower Hamlets Education Business Partnership held a joint conference on Friday 27th January […]

Series 3 APPG Youth Employment

YEUK APPG Youth Employment Series 2: Education to Employment

On Wednesday the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Youth Employment met, with YEUK acting as the secretariat and Chris Green MP […]

Youth voice on apprenticeships

Institute of Apprenticeships – Draft Guidance

This week the Department for Education and Apprenticeships and Skills Minister Robert Halfon set out draft guidance on how the […]

Westminster Briefing entitled: Supporting Young People into Employment

Are we failing to support young people into employment? By Meg Kneafsey Nearly 12% of 16-24-year-olds in the UK are […]

Its #iwill week!

The #iwill campaign has launched #iwill week, a whole week of activity beginning today where they will be celebrating young […]

The Brokerage Citylink celebrates 20 years of raising aspirations, creating access and achieving diversity

The Brokerage Citylink, a City-based social mobility charity, celebrated its 20th birthday with a special awards and celebration evening on […]


Developing your communications skills

I present. I sit on committees. I advise charities. Yet I wasn’t always this person. I was an afraid, timid […]