The Commonwealth Foundation awards grants for sustainable development projects

The new call for grants is now open. The deadline for submission of the preliminary application form is 17.00GMT on […]

Rt Hon Minister for Employment Priti Patel Conference Speech

Helping young people benefit from the rewards of work From: Department for Work and Pensions and The Rt Hon Priti […]

Digital and IT career opportunities exhibition

A community initiative recruitment exhibition that we are running aiming to help young people (16-25s) and students to explore different […]

Launch of the Careers and Enterprise Company

Yesterday, I attended the launch of The Careers and Enterprise Company. The event was packed to the rafters with colleagues […]

All-Party Parliamentary Group Update

Yesterday, the APPG for Youth Employment (of which Youth Employment UK is the Secretariat) met in Westminster. MPs and Members […]

Solutions to a European Crisis

By Jack  After over a year since my exchange trip to Salamanca, where I previously wrote about my experiences for […]

At the IntoWork Convention 2015

By Jack Welch Youth Ambassador It would be an almost impossible task itself to try and encapsulate two entire days […]

Our #iwill Pledge

    Why volunteering is important to me                     By Youth […]

Global Learning Celebration

Leeds Trinity University in partnership with the Global Learning Programme (GLP), the Geographical Association and Leeds DEC, is delighted to […]

CIPD Summer Event

Join us for an interactive personal and professional development event focussed on building the strategic capabilities, influence and contribution of […]

Career changing. Career jumping. Career scaling.

Career changing. Career jumping. Career scaling. It’s possible. By a Youth Ambassador When I left school, my dream was to […]