APPG on Youth Affairs – Labour

A YEUK Youth Ambassadors account of the All Party Political Group on Youth Affairs: Labour Event – 28th January  By Jack Welch  What […]

YEUK Response to Conservative Policy on Youth Welfare

Press Release – 17.02.2015 By Jack Welch – YEUK Young Ambassador Youth employment is firmly back on the government and […]

Young Entrepreneur, is set to launch Ethnii UK Online!

From Market Stall to marketing your brand via a Social Media to Website launch and a whole identity all in six month. […]

YEUK Welcomes 13 New Members

YEUK Welcomes 13 New Members Over the last few weeks YEUK has had the pleasure of welcoming 13 *New* members […]

How YEUK Has Helped Me

How becoming a YEUK Youth Ambassador has helped me understand my career pathway and how I can now help young […]

The Local Government Association finds too many young people not completing their post 16 pathways

The LGA has confirmed some worrying (but unsurprising) figures on the number of young people not completing their post 16 […]

Leeds first stop for specialist careers event

It is predicted that over 60% of jobs in the next 10 years will require skills in STEM (Science, Technology, […]

The Implications of Increasing Tuition Fees

The implications of increasing tuition fees: The Growing Gender Gap By YEUK Youth Ambassador: Indy In 2012, the coalition government […]

Cameron’s Employment Aspiration

Unemployment got back into the spotlight today as David Cameron set out his aims for “full employment” and DWP launched […]

Careers in Crisis??

Careers in Crisis? By YEUK Youth Ambassador Jack,   With only a matter of time approaching before another General Election, […]

YEUK launches report on careers education – Young People’s Experience of Careers Education

Today YEUK held a parliamentary event to debate careers education policy and practice.  The event was really well attended and […]

IT Apprentice Hub to open in the North East

This week YEUK Member Baltic Training shared with us what they are doing to address the NE skills gap! The […]