environment jobs advice

How to get an environmental job – 5 things you’ll be glad you already knew

Okay, so you like the sound of saving the planet. Good. The world needs more people like you. But what […]

ways to build construction career

3 Ways into a career in construction

It’s never too early to think about where that first construction job could take you – and how you want […]

Work Experience Policy and Recommendations

This paper examines the importance of work experience, the needs of young people, the current policies regarding work experience, and […]

Pay as you go? Unpaid internship report

The Sutton Trust have launched their review into unpaid internships. Access the report below. This report, based on data from […]

NUS apprentice extra discount card

NUS Apprentice Extra – the discount card for UK apprentices!

For just £11, UK Apprentices can get massive discounts on top fashion names, travel, food, tech and much more. Check […]

ESFA Business Update November

This update comes from Gov.uk, you can find this announcement and any updates here. 1. Apprenticeship service update 15,000 employer accounts on […]

construction careers need to know

Careers in construction… 7 things you need to know

Could construction careers be the goose that lays your golden egg? Here are 7 things you need to know… and […]

BTEC Jasmine Welsh

VIDEO: How a BTEC in Art & Design helped Jasmine Welsh’s design career

Jasimine Welsh is a junior commercial marketing designer for Bauer Media. To get into this career, she studied a BTEC […]

Youth Employment UK Budget Response

Youth Employment UK believes that to tackle youth unemployment and the social inequalities that exist, we must ensure quality across […]

AELP Autumn Conference

The AELP Autumn Conference 2018, sponsored by City & Guilds, takes place when the government is emphasising the importance of quality […]

Graduate recruitment is up but are they opportunities for all?

New research from The ISE shows that top firms are hiring more graduates, apprentices and school leavers but some of […]

UK Hospitality Workforce Commission

Earlier this year Youth Employment UK Ambassador Courtney gave evidence to the  UK Hospitality Workforce Commission 2030 regarding the reputation […]