UK labour market statistics

Latest youth unemployment data

The latest ONS data shows a continuation of promising figures for the health of the UK labour market. The new […]

choices maze

What About Everybody Else? – My response to post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below in England

With new T-Levels on the way, Youth Ambassador Board Member Harvey Morton responds with the view that reducing young people’s […]

rubiks cube

Youth unemployment is a Rubik’s Cube – you can’t work each colour in isolation

Youth Employment UK’s Founding CEO Laura-Jane Rawlings presents youth unemployment as a Rubik’s Cube. You can’t work each issue, or […]

young professional group assessment problem solving exercise

Assessment centre tips for problem solving group exercises

Find out how to handle group assessment problem solving exercises with flair. Be the candidate recruiters are looking for! These […]

Pearso BTEC Yvan

How can a BTEC get you into a sports career? Meet Yvan Zahui, personal trainer.

Meet Yvan Zahui. His BTEC in Sport and Exercise Science motivated him to motivate others. Now he works as a […]

Breaking Educational Barriers present: Create your tomorrow

Free one day conference for all secondary school aged children and their parents to: *Discover the different routes to creating […]


Teamwork: Ways to help stop feeling left out or even bullied in your first job

Many of us have felt left out by the group at some point. Sometimes we’re the ones shutting other people […]

careers fair tips

Careers fair tips – what to wear and how to prepare

Take a look at our list of UK careers fairs and you’ll see there’s a huge range of skills shows, […]

youth voice census results 2019 2

Youth Voice Census Results 2019 : Press Release

Careers education and knowledge of apprenticeships is on the rise, but there is still much work to do to fix […]

Launch of the 2019 Youth Voice Census, Networking & Drinks Reception

Description Youth Employment UK are delighted to invite you to the launch of the 2019 Youth Voice Census Report, networking […]

appg youth employment report

Is Govt Putting Too Much Pressure On employers? Download APPG for Youth Employment Report

Government departments have been increasingly looking to the business community to step in to support and solve some of the […]

Energy & Utility Skills joins with Youth Employment UK to deliver on the sector’s ‘Inclusion Commitment’, by striving to become youth friendly

Energy & Utility Skills has today launched a collaborative partnership with Youth Employment UK to encourage more young people into […]