How could the job hunting process change after furlough? Tips from a Youth Ambassador

In what ways will young people find it tough to look for jobs once the furlough scheme ends? Youth Ambassador […]

How the economic crisis is hitting young people the hardest

I was recently invited to talk to CNBC about the impact the coronavirus is having on youth employment, you can […]

Girls’ Attitudes Survey: Girlguiding

Girlguiding have released their annual Girl’s Attitudes Survey, the research spans the initial phases of lockdown and provide interesting results.  […]

Mental Health of Children and Young People in the Pandemic

New research shows the impact on young people’s mental health and wellbeing in lockdown, the data and insight discussed covers […]

Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Goto Meeting, and Google Meet: What You Need to Know

Though video conferencing has been around for years, it has taken off like never before in 2020. See our handy […]

What has Working Remotely Taught us About Teamwork?

You don’t have to be in the same room as someone to work well as a team. The pandemic has […]

Labour Market Statistics October 2020

The ONS have released the latest Labour Market Overview covering the months June – August, there is additional data that […]

Building a Youth Friendly West Midlands : Press release

Young people, whose job prospects have been hit hard by the Covid 19 pandemic, are to be guaranteed training and […]

Job Support Scheme Expansion

The Job Support Scheme will be expanded to protect jobs and support businesses required to close their doors as a […]

APPG for Youth Employment: opening meeting

The APPG for Youth Employment launched its inquiry ‘Making Youth employment Policy Work’ in September following the emergence of troubling […]

APPG for Youth Employment Second Meeting

The APPG for Youth Employment is hosting the second meeting in the inquiry ‘Making Youth Employment Policy Work’.  The first […]

Training support available in Youth Friendly Coventry

There are plenty of training opportunities available in Youth Friendly Coventry. Find out how these can help you get ahead. […]