July’s APPG Meeting – A Youth Ambassador’s Perspective

by Ben Fisher – YEUK Youth Ambassador I would firstly like to mention that this was my first time going […]

Develop your work skills with FREE Young Professional Training and Get In Go Far

Youth Employment UK and Get In Go Far can help you kick-start your career today! See how to build your […]

Personal Presentation – an Overview

What is Personal Presentation and Why is It Important? Personal presentation is a communication skill, and communication is one of […]


Initiative – an Overview

BREXIT and the future of our young people

As much of the Country is in shock and the various political parties think about what next for a UK […]

Resilience – an overview

Organisation Skills – an overview

What makes a good entrepreneur?

At Catalyst Founders, we are looking to find the best young entrepreneurs from across the country. In order to do […]

Young Professional Dashboard

Are the parties pledging enough to tackle mental health issues among our young people?

As we near the end of the second week of parties campaigning and announcing their pledges, we have been witnessing […]

British Library logo

Unlocking Our Sound Heritage

Arianna – Intellectual Property Rights Workflow Officer Why did you want to work at the Library? I’ve been a workflow […]

one school leaver at an office being shown something on a computer screen.

How to Create a Good School Leaver Programme

Further and higher education are not right for everyone, and some young people prefer to leave compulsory education at 18 […]